24 maj 2012

Todays makeup

Todays makeup looks like this.
I'm working on a new video,
but I'm screwing up to much
right now, haha...

23 maj 2012

Todays makeup

Todays makeup - black lipstick.
I ate and drank and didn't have the
energy to paint on new lipstick, haha.

22 maj 2012

Todays makeup

Todays makeup looks like this.

Btw, today's world goth day.Hurray to all goths out there!

19 maj 2012

Todays makeup

Today, me and my boyfriend went to an old ruin near our town. He's the photografer, I'm the model.

8 maj 2012


Todays makeup looks like this.
This is my lovely cousins birthday,
Congratulations! <3

7 maj 2012


Todays makeup
Going to my boyfriends parents.
First time I meet his dad - nervous!
This is how I looked at my friends wedding